

Realization of strategic goals by improving factory efficiency

The scope of the project covered several stages from VSM workshops, loss analysis and determination of potential through implementation of programmed solutions in production areas and calculation of benefits assumed in the project.

Cost reduction through process optimization

Improvement project consisting in the adaptation of appropriate machines and devices while using the existing potential at the customer in order to reduce production costs. By minimizing waste and standardizing the process, the material cost was reduced by 40% and profitability was improved.

Optimization projects involving the reconstruction of machines and entire production lines

Taking care of the achievement of our clients’ business goals and meeting their expectations, we are able to:

  • Reduce time
  • Reduce cost
  • Increase your productivity
  • Improve work ergonomics

Optimization projects involving the reorganization of entire areas (layouts) with the simultaneous use of solutions related to continuous improvement

For our client, we have rebuilt the product assembly area and prepared and conducted continuous improvement training. Building Lean awareness is the basis of our activities.


Projects related to the digitization of production processes and production support

We offer full support in the implementation of IT systems related to the broadly understood production.